Blue Angel

The most exacting environmental
label worldwide

The world in which we live has a right to climate and environmental protection. The Blue Angel is the first and oldest environmental protection label for products and services throughout the world.

WKS-Gruppe-Druckholding-Header-Nachhaltigkeit-blauer Himmel mit Wolken

The Blue Angel

It distinguishes recycled papers that, when viewed holistically, are particularly environmentally friendly and at the same time meet the most sophisticated requirements when it comes to suitability for use. In addition, the environmental label RAL-UZ 195 honours resource-efficient and low-emission manufacturing, a philosophy that we consistently adhere to in our printing activities.


The Blue Angel is awarded by RAL GmbH on behalf of the Federal Environmental Ministry. Our range of certified papers enables our customers to use premium recycled papers that fulfil both the highest aesthetic and ecological standards. This allows them to use the Blue Angel label.

When manufacturing your printed materials from 100% recycled paper and in a resource-efficient and low-emission printing process, we handle the entire Blue Angel certification for you as part of our service.

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